Microsoft SQL Server
Are you using or planning to use Microsoft SQL Server
in your company? See how we can help you.
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How can we help you with Microsoft SQL Server?
We will help you:
- implement an efficient and secure platform for managing a relational database in the cloud or on-premise,
- perform all tasks related to the operation and maintenance of databases,
- determine secure access to data protected by the permission system, as well as search and analyze large volumes of data (locally or networked),
- define relationships and connections between data stored in tables,
- choose functionalities that you will need in your daily work,
Microsoft SQL Server Advantages

Insights into all data types both traditional (INTEGER, TIMESTAMP, DATE) and complex (JSON, TEXT, XML). Get information about your business from all available data, whether the data is structured or not, relational or non-relational.

With open source tools, you get to choose the programming language and platform you want to work with. Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database written in C and C++. Supports multiple programming languages e.g. C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, R etc.

Gain valuable database time and stability with access to the data warehouses and applications you need. Microsoft SQL Server works well in situations where high read speeds are required.

Microsoft SQL Server Express is a free version of the commercial SQL Server database server. The Express version uses only one processor (up to four cores) to process data and is limited to 10 GB of database size and 1 GB of usable RAM. However, it is a full-featured database engine sufficient for many use cases.
In the Microsoft SQL Server environment we have the following basic components at our disposal:

Database Engine
database engine – the core component responsible for managing data storage, protection and access, and query processing.

Analysis Services
creation and management of OLAP type objects (data cubes). BI services such as data mining, Power Pivot i.e. services related to transformation of data into information. With this, we can look for relationships between data and discover relationships.

Reporting Services
It allows you to create, edit and manage reports. No need to create your own reporting applications. SQL Server offers a turnkey solution based on .NET..

Integration Services
– It is a dedicated set of tools for ETL (Extract Transform and Load) processes, which are used for data migration and transformation.
Also worth mentioning are some additional tools
that offer useful functionality:
- Data Quality Services (DQS) – allows you to take care of the quality of data, which is very important in terms of their preparation for further analysis,
- Master Data Services – a set of tools for defining and managing key enterprise data often shared between many applications,
- SQL Server R Services – is a platform that allows you to work in the R programming language, thanks to which great opportunities are created for the development of intelligent applications.