Power BI Webinar

Do you work with data?
Are you combining data from many different sources?
The reports you create must be attractive
and interactive? Explore Power BI.
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Thursdays with Power BI
„Introduction to Power BI”

Introduction to PBI

Webinars are addressed to companies, so the condition for acceptance of the application by the organizer is the application by the participant full required data: company, name and surname, business e-mail, business telephone number. In other cases, the organizer reserves the right not to accept the application.
What will you learn?
Introduction to Power BI

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and get inspired!
Learn new skills during free webinars
about Power BI. Learn how to: retrieve, transform and present data in a concise form using Power BI reports.
Create personalized visuals that meet with a positive reaction from recipients. Start using Power BI today!
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