Salesforce training
training for end users
- Have you completed the implementation of Salesforce in your organisation?
- Do you want your colleagues to know the tool they are going to use?
- Take part in a hands-on training session for Salesforce end users.

Training description

- Basic training for users who have completed the implementation process.
- The training is conducted in the form of a workshop, where participants can learn step-by-step how the new tool works and how to navigate it.
- Exercises prepared by an expert for training users are tailored to the functionalities implemented.
- A very friendly way of acquiring more practical knowledge compared to using a manual.

What are you going to learn during the training
for end users?
You will get to know:
- the appearance of the system and the standard nomenclature of typical system functions
- application of the implemented system functions for your business
- practical work in the CRM system, carrying out the first practical tasks on a test version of the system
- how to manage assigned tasks effectively
- how to maintain a high standard of data quality in your organisation

Advantages of NDLS

- Salesforce implementation partner
- Top quality of services provided
- Expert knowledge
- Many years of experience
- Practical case studies of our satisfied customers